The Underlying Cause Of Losing Our First Love
Is Losing Our Sense Of Needing God
Re-Examining Spiritual Disciplines In The Light of Our First Love
- For Many Christians, the disciplines of prayer, fasting, giving, Bible study and Christian service can bring pride or discouragement - pride if they do them; discouragement if they do not do them or do not see results from doing them. Both pride and discouragement give way to a new love for the Lord if we see how they are actually designed to maintain a sense of need for God.
We tend to think that the more faithful we are for God the more spiritual we will feel toward God. But quite the reverse should take place. The more Paul grew in maturity, the more unworthy and needy he realized he was. He went from seeing himself as "the last of the apostles" to "the least of the apostles" to "less than the least of the apostles" to, finally, "not worthy to be called an apostle." That is the kind of spiritual progress that will keep our "first love" alive.
If our goal in each of these disciplines is to understand more deeply our total need and dependence on God, then we will discover the "poverty of spirit" to which the kingdom of heaven belongs. "Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:3).
A New Look At Prayer
Each aspect of prayer is designed to maintain our "first love" by reminding us of our sense of need before God. Praise of His name reveals the need to live so that the name of God is not blasphemed among the Gentiles. (See Romans 2:24)
Petitions open the windows of our motives. Do they advance the needs of God's kingdom, or are they attempts to build up our reserves so we will not have to call on Him so much in the future? Confession reminds us of our hall of shame and our unworthiness before a holy God. It exposes our need for moment-by-moment power from Him for victory.
Thanksgiving measures our sense of need by how many specific items we can thank Him for during each day. Intercession builds a bridge to share the needs of others before God's throne.
A New Look At Studying The Bible
Reading scripture certainly causes us to grow in grace and in the know;edge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But the initial function of getting into God's Word is not to grow but to see our need to grow. As newborn babes we are to "...desire the sincere milk of the word..." (1 Peter 2:2). Our sense of need turns into our desire for the Word.
Sometimes as we read we become discouraged as we learn more and more about God's holy standards. We realize how far short we fall in reaching them. But this very sense of discouragement can be transformed into a deeper sense of need before a loving, merciful god. "For He knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust" (Psalm 103:14). This kind of need is vital to maintain our first love.
A New Look At Giving
The command to "freely give" when we have "freely received" is a practical necessity if we are to maintain our sense of dependence upon the Lord. The tithe is not just "a giving of the tenth" but a weekly reminder that it all belongs to God.
The more we build assets for our future, the more prone we are to feel that we do not need God in ways that other people do. In reality, a rich man needs Him more. "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, nor trust in uncertain riches..." (1 Timothy 6:17). Giving beyond the tithe is to offset the drive to be "...Rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing..." (Revelation 3:17). That which we do not give away represents responsibility, not ownership.
A New Look At Fasting
Fasting is one of the most effective reminders of our need to depend upon God for "our daily bread." It is also a vital reminder of the warning God gave to His own people: "Beware...Lest when thou hast eaten and art full...thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy God..." (Deuteronomy 8:11-14).
Fasting illustrates the reality that a man's life does not consist of the things he possesses, and that he does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Fasting dims the things of this world. It opens up a deeper awareness of the spiritual , mental, and emotional needs which we have.
A New Look At Service
One of the greatest benefits of Christian service is not to those who are served, but to those who are serving. The requirements of ministering to the spiritual needs of others force us to see new areas of need in ourselves, and as a result we have a greater dependence on God.
The statements, "I am not capable of teaching that class" or, "I cannot witness" totally miss the point of Spirit-led Christian service. It is not that we are sufficient within ourselves so that we do not really need God's fresh touch of power, but that we are totally inadequate to do anything apart from God's power working through us.
Paul explained, "...I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling...that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God" (1Coritnthians 2:3-5).
The "PRESSURE" That Maintains Our "First Love"
- The Pressure of knowing God's standards and not being able to achieve them in ourselves can be a powerful motivation to keep our "first love" alive - if we understand the following aspects of God's ways.
- God reveals"...the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (II Corinthians 4:6)
- Jesus Christ reveals Himself to us by the commands which He gave us. "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me...and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him" (John 14:21
- We are required to keep His holy standards. "...As He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manners of conversation" (I Peter 1:15)
B. Death Of A Vision
- We discover that we can not keep God's laws. Every single person is a sinner by birth and by practice. All deserve eternal death.
- But Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, shed His blood to redeem all who God raised from the dead (Romans 3:23, 4:24, 5:8, 10:9).
- As sons and daughters of God we still find we cannot achieve God's holy standards.
Satan's Promptings
- "Fulfill God's laws by your own energy." (This is Legalism.)
- "Reject God's laws since you are under grace." (This is license.)
C. Supernatural Fulfillment
- Our inability to keep God's standards forces us to maintain a moment-by-moment sense of need for and dependence upon the Lord
- It forces us to abide in Him and have His Word abide in us (John 15:7)
- It forces us to call upon God daily for His grace (desire and power) to live the Christian life and to learn to be sensitive to the promptings of His Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16)
- Each failure makes us more aware of our total unworthiness, our gratefulness for God's mercy, and the power of His might.
Some might need to fall in love all over again. I'll be praying for you.
For His glory alone,