Monday, January 10, 2011

No Plan B

Hello!  Well I can honestly admit that it is a lot harder to post every day than I thought it would be.  I am sitting here and I can't even remember everything that has kept me from posting.  Is that sad or what?  Is my life really that busy that I can't remember everything I did in the last couple days that kept me from posting on this blog?
That is a startling realization.  Was I busy just doing stuff:  Family stuff, friend stuff, unnecessary stuff, irrelevant stuff (I guess that would be unnecessary stuff).  I can't even think of names to give stuff, so why should I be busy doing stuff.  Does that make sense?  I think it does to me.

The way I look at it, we should really only be doing a couple of "Stuff" categories!  We should be enjoying our Family stuff.  Our number one ministry as a Christian is our family.  We should be spending time with our family and sharing the Joy of Christ with our families.  This is good stuff.

We should be all about Bible "Stuff", or God "Stuff", Jesus "Stuff."  We should be about our Father's business just as Jesus was in Luke 2:49.  We must be about our Father's business.  When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior we become children of God.  He is our Heavenly Father.  This is what God tells us in John 1:12: But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.

As children of God we are to be about His business.  What is His business?  Making Him known and glorifying His name to all the nations.  We are His "Plan A."  There is no "Plan B" we are it.  God intends for every child of God to use every blessing He gives to us to bless others by glorifying Him and making Him known to all nations.

I was reading a passage of scripture the other day that I have read a thousand times, and have used hundreds of times in speaking engagements and normal biblical conversations.  Although, due to some other readings and a Bible Study I am leading, the Holy Spirit revealed to me a piece of the scripture that has eternal implications for those without Christ and I believe marching orders for ever person in the world who says they are a follower of Jesus Christ.

John 14:1-6 Is the scripture I mentioned above, but the actual verse that touched my heart was verse 6.  Jesus said to them, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." 

What finally got my attention were two little words..."No One."  Every single person that does not hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Except Him as their Savior will spend eternity in hell separated from God.  NO ONE...NOT ONE...comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ.

We are it.  There is no Plan B.

DO you think we should be about our Father's business?

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